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Tarot Certification Board of America [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
A non-profit, accredited organization, which sets standards for professional tarot readers. Qualified individuals may be certified as Apprentices, Readers 
(Hits: 2011 Ziyaretçiler: 858 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

astrologie, tarot, biorythmes, [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
prévisions 2004, votre astroportrait, astrologie, tarot, biorythmes, thèmes de célébrités : leonardo di Caprio, Britney Spears, George Bush, Celine Dion 
(Hits: 1963 Ziyaretçiler: 1216 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Power-Tarot - Power-Tarot - Power-Tarot [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
El software de Power-Tarot le dará respuestas en la mayoría de las preguntas personales! Con las tiradas automáticas y las lecturas (interpretaciones):- 
(Hits: 1948 Ziyaretçiler: 837 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Tarot for Life - devoted to the study [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
Tarot for Life - devoted to the study of the Tarot. 
(Hits: 1859 Ziyaretçiler: 1067 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007) - Alles over de spirituele [Açiklama][Oy ver] - Alles over de spirituele wijsheid van de tarot 
(Hits: 2191 Ziyaretçiler: 1258 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Tarot by Kathleen, psychic advisor [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
Kathleen Meadows psychic reader provides honest, authentic, professional readings, women's spirituality readings, goddess, live private tarot cards readings 
(Hits: 1961 Ziyaretçiler: 893 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Marita Liulia Tarot -Marita Liulia Tarot [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
Tarot symbolizes the entire human life and offers a gentle and humorous tool to understand oneself and others. Enjoy my new beautiful cards and up-to-date 
(Hits: 1895 Ziyaretçiler: 5240 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Tarot - cards, spreads - Tarot - cards, [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
Free lessons on Supertarot; top resource for information for the tarot on spreads, divinatory meanings, divination, psychic, and tarot readings. 
(Hits: 2009 Ziyaretçiler: 919 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Tarot, lectura del tarot en vivo, tarot [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
Tarot, lectura del tarot en vivo, tarot personalizado, consulta del tarot en linea, lecturas de cartas del tarot en vivo y por correo. 
(Hits: 1967 Ziyaretçiler: 1117 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)

Trionfi: History and Origin of Tarot [Açiklama][Oy ver]  
Timeline of tarot development, images of old cards, and translations of old texts. 
(Hits: 2003 Ziyaretçiler: 1060 Toplam Oy: 0 Açiklama: 0 Ortalama degerlendirme: 0.00 Kayit Tarihi: 07-24-2007)
